For foreign non-residents :

Prescription of medicines

There are over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and prescription drugs.

OTC drugs are purchasable at drug stores without a medical prescription. In contrast, prescription drugs are only available with a valid prescription.

In the Medical Practitioner Act of Japan, a doctor can issue a prescription if the doctor finds it is necessary after performing a consultation. The type and dosage of prescribed medications are decided according to the diagnosis and condition of a patient. Therefore, prescribed medications should only be taken as prescribed. They should not be stocked without a doctor’s advice, shared or given to other people.

In Japan, hospitals do not sell drugs.

RGMC does not accept patients who only wish to obtain a prescription without seeing a doctor.

New patients:

Registration time for new patients:

Tourists visiting Japan for medical purposes

Medical fee

Medical interpreter service

Medical certificates and referral letters

Physical examination

Contact info. and others